Thursday, May 31, 2012

Confirmed 2012 PIG FEST!

I have a reliable source that have confirmed there will be a pig fest this summer.  The weekend of Aug 4 & 5.  More news and details to come.  Get ready for camping, swimming, fun and food!

Friday, May 18, 2012


I have heard there is going to be a reunion Aug 4-5 this year.  Not sure if there is going to be a pig or not.  I hope you all mark your calendars just in case.  More details to be reveled. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Father's Day Weekend 2011

Details are still very scares, but my mom has decided that Father's Day weekend is when she is going to do the memorial for my dad.
As far as I understand it, the celebrating is going to be a very much like our other Pig Fests, but without the pig in the ground. (This still might be undecided, I am not sure.) SO, bring things for camping, swimming in the creek, hiking, fishing, and having all kinds of good food and fun!
We are hoping that everyone who wants to come will come! There is not going to be a specific invite set out, so consider yourself invited.
The week before Memorial Day she is going to be traveling back from CT with Kira by car (it will take a few days). She said that she will need time to rest and prepare for the company and activities.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Memorial Day or Father's Day?

Mom is asking everyone what works best for a family memorial on Memorial Day or Father's Day. So, if you didn't see any posts anywhere else or if you did not get an email here it is.
There is not going to be any formal invitation if you want to come speak up and let us know which weekend works best for you. It will be in Libby at mom's house.
Leave a comment or email us to let us know asap so we can arrange for something.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

When is the 2011 Pig Fest?

When is going to be good for everyone to come this summer. Weather or not it is a large pig fest or just a family thing we should still try to get everyone together. So, post your if you plans if you know any of them yet.
We will be having a baby in mid July, so July is not a good month for us. August I think would be good for us because then we can show off our new baby!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Who's coming?

Well, I am hoping to be there this year. I guess it depends on when it will be. I will hopefully be there with a new addition to our family. I feel like tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day we should be doing a pig roast instead of cooking a turkey all day because of the weather here.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Opening Night to Pig Fest 4

So,I know this is really late, but here we go. This is just a reminder of all the fun we had this past summer. I hope everyone is going to try and make it next summer. I know we are if it is going to be during our return trip to the USA!

We had fewer people turn out for PIG FEST this year. We were sad, but it did not stop us from having fun!

Well, it was a wonderful event Friday at the Evans’ house. The pig went in the ground a little later than planned, but all was well. Most people even went swimming in the creek despite the rain. We had a campfire with sausages, weenies and s’mores and then many guests camped out by the creek. A big thanks to everyone who came and enjoyed it! We all had a lot of fun as seen below.

Activities of Pig Fest 4

Saturday was fun! We had a wonderful Dad’s breakfast and for those of you who don’t know it entails homemade hash browns, eggs cooked any way you want, and bacon, sausage and/or ham. How wonderful that is! And Yes that is 3 yolks in one egg. I think Sam might have some mutant chickens.

Then we had a leisure day waiting for the time to pull the pig up.

After the unveiling of the pig we ate and ate and ate. Wonderful! We swam again and then camped again… an all round great day.

For those who stayed a couple of extra days we took a rafting trip on Monday down the Kootenai River. How peaceful and serene it was! This was Kenya’s and Carla’s first rafting trip. Both of them seemed to enjoy it. Thanks again to all who came it was great and we all made many memories. We hope to see all of you again next year and for those of you who did not come we hope this will make you want to be sure and come next year!